
It is difficult to find Huta Pieniacka on a map today, there are no local signposts leading to it, and in Wikipedia, we can read: "a village in Ukraine, which does not exist today."

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Professor Emeritus Donald Pienkos, was active in helping to bring about Poland's entry into NATO in 1999. He was invited by Consul General Pawel Zyzak of the Republic of Poland in Chicago to speak at the 25th Anniversary Ceremony marking the admission of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic into the Alliance.

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Polish elites in Warsaw are increasingly using the term "conflicted Polonia", which is a narrative created in Warsaw by the "good change" elites to camouflage their incompetence in working with their diaspora.

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This is the second part of an article on the joint report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, and the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, prepared late last year.

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Interview with Marek Bober, long-time editor-in-chief of "Kurier Chicago".

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The conflict in Ukraine is slowly burning itself out. There is no ammunition and no way to relieve the Ukrainians. Hence the idea of ​​introducing new soldiers into the conflict. The price of this, as General Skrzypczak says, is very high.

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Revamping the Polish Education System
Katarzyna Murawska, 1/29/2024

Since ancient times, the older and most experienced members of social groups, clans, and families have educated the younger ones, passed on their knowledge to them, preparing them to take on leadership roles in the group and to cooperate skillfully.

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Many people in America wonder why the US should support Ukraine. The Congress' report is, among other things, an attempt to answer this question. He examines a number of reasons why a Ukraine victory in an unprovoked Russian-led war is in the U.S. national interest.

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Progressive Anarchy
Waldemar Biniecki, 1/19/2024

After the elections on October 15, the PiS government lost due to its lack of coalition capabilities. The new government promised to restore the rule of law and compliance with the Constitution, but the first actions showed potential illegality. Dualism of the judiciary, non-recognition of the decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal and controversial police actions are observed.

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The story of Poland's diaspora and its integral connection with Poland goes back to the 19th century. It began with the emigration of Poles from their partitioned homeland after the suppression of the "November Insurrection" in 1831.

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During my research, I came across various materials, and after reading them, I could not believe that one could plan the annihilation of another nation so emotionlessly, coldly, on economic principles.

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What Will Mark Brzezinski Do?
Waldemar Biniecki

Everything indicates that, for the first time in the history of diplomatic relations between Poland and the United States, the function of the US ambassador to Warsaw will be assumed by an American lawyer and diplomat of Polish origin, Mark Brzeziński.

Turkish Drones for Poland
Andrzej (Andrew) Woźniewicz

A few months ago, the word spread around the world, which reportedly surprised even the insiders: Poland and Turkey signed a contract for the supply of Turkish Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat drones for the Polish army.