While US congressmen push through a resolution in Congress on the actions of the Russian army against the civilian population and call it outright genocide, in Europe, globalist and financial circles are planning how to arrange the world after Putin's war.

Henry Kissinger speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Source: World Economic Forum)

Mathias Döpfner, the director of the Axel Springer press concern well known to Poles, published an article in Politico in which he argues that Putin is to blame for everything, and that his successor should become an ally in the joint US-European-Russian bloc, under the name of "AMEURUS". The purpose of such a bloc is undoubtedly to create a serious counterbalance to China. Russia has lost, even on the optimistic assumption that Putin would win his war, says Mathias Döpfner. What really matters is what will happen after Putin and who will be his successor. Putin's dictatorship has collapsed. It has ruined Russia and it is high time to think about how to rebuild her, concludes Döpfner.

Any successor of Putin will have only two paths, namely: either to become an ally of the democratic West, or a state dependent on undemocratic China.

Now we understand the words uttered in Davos by the former architect of American foreign policy, Henry Kissinger, who at a meeting of world financiers stated on the Ukrainian-Russian war that: "the optimal solution would be for the borders to return to the status quo ante ", i.e. before February 24. Decisions on this matter have probably already been made, only we, as always, are the last to know about it.

That is why Germany is delaying the supply of weapons, because the outline of a peace plan has already been created in the shadows of the cabinets. There will be no more Europe from Vladivostok to Lisbon. There will be "AMEURUS" instead. What does this mean for Poland and why is a Polish journalist living abroad writing about it? The summertime has begun, after all. The Polish raison d'état can wait, anyway.

I received the following response to my email sent to one of the politicians: "From June 16 to July 12, 2022 I am on vacation with limited access to e-mail." Nothing can be done in Poland at this time. The time of the Summer flashed at the speed of light at Congress 590, where — in a hurry — no one even had time to ask any questions of the leading Polish geopolitician. Instead, there were visuals, extremely brilliant ideas.

The most important - in my opinion - statement was Georg Friedman's answer to Jacek Bartosiak's question about the Intermarium. What should Poles do in this matter? The answer was accompanied by the typical smile of the old Texas fox: "You yourselves must be efficient in this matter."

And here we have the essence of the Polish agency. We should do it professionally. First, by publishing the development strategy of the Polish armed forces and a debate about it. Publishing in the languages ​​spoken by our allies. Intensive activities of Polish diplomacy and the activation of the Polish diaspora in the world. We should be promoting the Intermarium in the international media. We have to show the world that this is our plan how to develop and build security in this part of the world.

Central and Eastern European countries want to strengthen NATO's eastern flank, they want a project to build a North-South infrastructure. Building strength means a strong army and a strong economy. So let's focus on these priorities.

Translation from Polish by Andrew Woźniewicz.

'The issue of security resulting from Poland's presence in NATO is now entering a dimension in which we are becoming its essential guarantor in this part of Europe. This fact, which fundamentally affects the evolution of our position in the North Atlantic Alliance, affects our security at the same time', writes Tomasz SZATKOWSKI, Polish ambassador to NATO.

Are We Assertive Enough?
Waldemar Biniecki

The tragedy in Przewodów and the death of two Polish citizens clearly showed the scale of problems in bilateral relations between Poland and Ukraine.


The threat of China’s political, military, and economic power continues to grow, rapidly moving toward existentially dangerous levels. In comparing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) between the United States and China, the increasing magnitude of the communist country’s threat is clear.


"Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy " — is the title of a study by Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld and his team at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute at Yale University, which has just been published but hardly noticed by the mainstream media somehow.


The balance of power in the world is changing. The price of a barrel of oil exceeds USD 120. Inflation in many countries has gone beyond the magical 10%, the high prices are starting to bother many households. Central and Eastern Europe is also changing before our eyes. There is a devastating war going on in Eastern Europe.


Before the countries of Central and Eastern Europe — and maybe even more broadly, including the Scandinavian countries, and some countries of southern Europe, all the way to Turkey — in connection with the ongoing war in Ukraine, there is a window of opportunity to create a geopolitical project, the idea of ​​which has been alive since the times of Marshal Piłsudski.

To See the Intermarium
Waldemar Biniecki

Let us remember, that we are a border country and anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense is also important, which we must strive for today, now. Poland still has an extraordinary leadership role to play, showing that to survive as sovereign entities in Central or Eastern Europe, new federalist ideas are needed.