
About Poland's Agency
Waldemar Biniecki, 3/9/2025

The US administration’s decision to restrict the export of advanced AI chips to Poland, despite its status as a NATO and EU member, has raised concerns among Polish experts and journalists. Jarosław Królewski, CEO of Synerise, has called it “the greatest allied betrayal since World War II.” Poland’s absence from the EU list of AI factory locations, as well as the restrictions imposed by the US, indicate the need to strengthen Poland’s international efficacy.

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Kudos to Katarzyna Murawska!
Waldemar Biniecki, 3/8/2025

Editor Katarzyna Murawska was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland by President Andrzej Duda for her outstanding services to the Polish diaspora in the USA and the promotion of Polish culture. The awards ceremony took place on March 2, 2025 at the Copernicus Center in Chicago.

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Unresolved Issues of the Polish Diaspora
Waldemar Biniecki, 12/22/2024

This essay is intended for the elites in Warsaw, and in particular for all candidates for the office of the President of the Republic of Poland. I am writing it from the headquarters of Kuryer Polski in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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All of us from our generation remember the first bilingual monthly magazine in the United States, "Polish News". It is still published today by our wonderful friend Krystyna Teller. Since neither the Polish authorities, nor the media noticed that Krysia had already retired, we allow ourselves to recall how "Polish News" came into being.

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September 1st marked the 4th anniversary of the reactivation of Kuryer Polski after almost 60 years . The original Kuryer Polski was the first Polish daily newspaper published in the United States.

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When the decline of education occurred, it was followed by economic and political decline and, as a result, loss of independence. The school's task is to prepare young generations to take over and continue the development of our country. The school is to teach life in society. It should adapt methods and tools to this end.

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A Small Country with a Large Diaspora
Waldemar Biniecki, 8/25/2024

How is it possible that a country that in the 1980s had a public debt of 150 percent of GDP and unemployment of 17 percent, became the economic tiger of Europe? It owes this to effective and efficient work with its diaspora.

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The "Bartosiak" Rebellion
Waldemar Biniecki, 6/12/2024

Polls show that, in politically polarized Poland, one of the few factors that unite people is aversion to the elites of PO and PiS. The results of the voting in European elections will show whether this is a rebellion, or the search of a new model of managing a state. This is just the beginning of a big change, for which the current elites are ill prepared.

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The Confidence in Poland
Waldemar Biniecki, 5/12/2024

Here, overseas, we often wonder whether Poland, in its current complicated geopolitical situation, will emerge from it without engaging in direct hostilities until it is attacked; whether it will be able to build the position of a strong and serious state with a professional army, services, diplomacy, and an efficient, rapidly developing business.

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Limiting the core curriculum in the field of national identity is a disgrace and a way of social engineering, which is supposed to create a new man, smiling, but deprived of the cultural code that has held this nation together for a thousand years. We cannot afford to lose this most important part of Polish society - the future elites of the Republic of Poland.

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Polish elites in Warsaw are increasingly using the term "conflicted Polonia", which is a narrative created in Warsaw by the "good change" elites to camouflage their incompetence in working with their diaspora.

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