Poland became a NATO flank that is directly threatened by war. Russian rockets are falling close to the Polish border. Poland accepted over 1.7 million refugees from Ukraine. Poland is sending humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine. All over the world, Poles take actions to support Ukraine and to encourage humanitarian aid to Ukraine. From Alaska to Florida, the Polish American community runs fundraisers to help Ukraine.
Ambasador Magierowski in the PBS News Hour program (Source: Twitter)
Ambsador Marek Magierowski, in perfect English, talks about helping Ukrainians in Poland in Fox News, CNN and other American media. More and more American celebrities speak in the global media about the great role of Poles in helping Ukraine. Will all of this be enough to convince the Western elites to change their opinion of Putin and about his aggressive policy?
For many years, Putin has invested in Western media, setting up a pro-Russian narrative in them. He invested in Russian media through Western journalists. Putin simply seduced the Western elites.
An example is Gérard Depardieu, who has become a Russian citizen in 2013, thus avoiding paying taxes in France. In his recent interview on French television, Depardieu said: "leave Vladimir alone."
"I sincerely hope that in Ukraine this saber-swinging will eventually end," were the words of Gerhard Schröder, former German chancellor, who started working for Gazprom after retiring from politics. He, and his successor Angela Merkel, can be blamed for Europe's energy dependence on Russian gas.
What the German and European elites really think about Russia was accurately — yet somewhat naively — expressed by Dr. Marcel Dirsus from the Institute for Security Policy at the Christian Albrecht University Kiel in an interview with Deutsche Welle. He said: "The thought that the Germans were supplying weapons that could be used to kill Russians is very hard for many Germans to endure."
Recently, I was rubbing my eyes in disbelief for a long time when I discovered that, in the embargo vote on Russian gas imports to the US, 15 Republicans (including Congressmen Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorn — President Trump's top favorites) voted against.
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, top Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson launched an astonishing campaign in which he supports Putin, rather than Zelensky. The whole spectrum is completed by a large part of the Russian diaspora in the United States, whose representatives work in important governmental and military institutions. They, like Patriarch Kirill, accuse the West of waging war in Ukraine, and support Putin.
Poland, together with the countries of NATO's eastern flank, must create a media narrative in order to jointly oppose the false propaganda of the Kremlin. We must finally reach the Western elite with our narrative and give ordinary Russians an objective account of missile attacks on hospitals, orphanages, nuclear reactors and the infrastructure that serves ordinary people. I encourage the Polish elite, especially those responsible for creating Polish international narrative — we must unite, not divide, in order to provide the world with Polish narrative in global languages. The West is slowly beginning to listen to us, the nations of Central and Eastern Europe.