
About 20 million people of Polish origin live outside Poland. These are people who left the country or were born outside of Poland, but show attachment to Polish origin and ties with the Polish culture.


"In the category of Journalist of the Polish Media, the winner is Waldemar Biniecki. The jury recognized him for a series of bilingual publications in «Kuryer Polski», thanks to which the Polish point of view reaches audiences not only in the United States, but all over the world."

Fire Department in Poland
May 4 — Firefighter's Day
Ewa Michałowska-Walkiewicz, 5/4/2022

The Fire Brigade is an organized formation that deals primarily with prevention of and fighting fires. The Fire Brigade is no stranger to rescuing human life in accidents of all kinds, and it also fights the consequences of non-compliance with environmental protection standards.

Milwaukee’s Grochowski Family
Brendon Baillod, 4/30/2022

On Tuesday, March 10, 1891, sixteen-year-old Michal Grochowski stepped aboard the steamship SS America at Bremerhaven (Bremen), Germany. Michal had never seen a ship in person, nor had he ever laid eyes on the ocean. He had spent his entire life in the farmsteads of rural Łobżenica, Poland, about 40 miles west of present-day Bydgoszcz.

The Constitution of May 3rd
Katarzyna Murawska, 4/30/2022

The first constitution of the modern world was the United States Constitution, which entered into force on March 4, 1789. The second, and the first in Europe, was the Polish Basic Law announced on May 3, 1791 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, today known as the Constitution of May 3. This piece of legislation — and its consequences — have a complicated but noteworthy history.

The May 3 Constitution Day celebration will be held on Monday, May 2, 2022 at the Polish Center of Wisconsin.

To See the Intermarium
Waldemar Biniecki, 4/17/2022

Let us remember, that we are a border country and anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense is also important, which we must strive for today, now. Poland still has an extraordinary leadership role to play, showing that to survive as sovereign entities in Central or Eastern Europe, new federalist ideas are needed.


Easter is considered the greatest Christian holiday. At this time, the greatest sacrifice for our salvation is celebrated in the form of the crucified body of Jesus Christ. It has been a solemn holiday for a long time, and Poland is one of the countries where it is remembered in a special way.


We live at the time when great and true heroes need to be rediscovered and remembered. Their deeds, attitudes and beliefs must be brought to light, and their suffering and persecution should be rewarded with our admiration after all the years. Captain Witold Pilecki is one of the greatest heroes of Poland, Europe, and the entire free world in the 20th century.

Putin's Narrative
Maria Legieć, 4/11/2022

Putin's historical narrative is, in fact, an apotheosis of the Stalinist-Soviet story of World War II, ignoring ethnic purges, murders of Polish officers, NKVD barrage troops shooting at anyone who would just think of taking a step back. There is no looting, no mass robbery or rapes of women, no liquidation of the opposition. The purpose of this narrative is one: to purge the Soviet Union and its state leadership — headed by Stalin — of the charges of collaborating with Hitler and of jointly provoking a global conflict.

From a Basket, to «Święconka»
Ewa Michałowska-Walkiewicz, 4/11/2022

Wicker is nothing more than young shoots of several species of willow, which are used in braiding. This name is also the common name for the purple willow, known as a braid, basket, or weaving. The greatest number of wicker braids was made in former Poland around Easter. Therefore, in Poland, basketry is often called an Easter activity.


On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine. The war which, according to intelligence analysts from the USA, Germany and France, was to last 4-5 days and end with the occupation of Ukraine and the complete subordination of Ukraine by Russia, and perhaps even the erasure of the name Ukraine from the map of Europe, began.

What Will Mark Brzezinski Do?
Waldemar Biniecki

Everything indicates that, for the first time in the history of diplomatic relations between Poland and the United States, the function of the US ambassador to Warsaw will be assumed by an American lawyer and diplomat of Polish origin, Mark Brzeziński.

Turkish Drones for Poland
Andrzej (Andrew) Woźniewicz

A few months ago, the word spread around the world, which reportedly surprised even the insiders: Poland and Turkey signed a contract for the supply of Turkish Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat drones for the Polish army.