Archives: September 2023

The Polish-German reconciliation has stalled and it is not the fault of the Polish side. For years, the German side did not take any action to commemorate the Polish victims of the Third Reich.

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The “Polish Operation” of the NKVD in 1937–1938 was a genocide that resulted in the death of at least 111,091 innocent people. This event is no less important and no less worth commemorating than the Katyn massacre, or the Volhynia massacre.

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Polish people do not need to be reminded who Jan Nowak Jeziorański was, so I'd rather focus on what this Great Pole said in this article. Jeziorański devotes his entire article to a book by prof. Donald Pienkos "For Your Freedom Through Ours: Polish American Efforts on Poland 's Behalf, 1863-1991"

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Marek Kornat, 9/4/2023

Joseph Stalin left behind a sick dream that the state he ruled be great. Stalin's state was a gigantic prison, but this sick dream of greatness still affects the imagination of Russians to this day.

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The dynamics of geopolitical processes, both in Europe and on a global scale, today forces Poles to take a new look at the definition of our raison d'état. Its constituent elements will remain: independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, state security, maintaining national identity, and connecting Poles in Poland with Polish emigration into a coherent and mutually understanding whole. If we, Poles, do not undertake such a debate today, others will certainly do so. The era of the Tehran-Yalta order is over.

Read more... Reading time 23 min.