Archives: March 2022

The eighth day of he war ends. Yes, that's how the Ukrainians, but not only them, have recently been marking time. In Wrocław, information from the front is heard every evening. Tonight, the most important news was that Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odessa are not giving up. It is good to hear. Not so good is that the Russian convoy is only 30 km from Kiev.


Funds will be distributed for medical needs of citizens in Ukraine and refugee needs in Poland through the Council on Aid to Ukrainians of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA).


Ukraine constantly puts up stiff resistance to the invaders. Several of the largest cities are defended. I hear conflicting information hour by hour. Everyone asks themselves: where is all this leading..?


In Poland, so far, there is no panic, neither in shops nor at ATMs, but one can sense the tense situation and unspoken questions: How will the events evolve? Can Putin reach for nuclear weapons?