The Slow Agony of the European Union

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Political paralysis, external threats and the poor state of the economy are destroying the ambitions of the European Union to become a significant global force. The crises in Europe are deepening. If at the beginning of the 90s the countries that make up the EU today had a share of over 23% of global GDP, now it is 9% lower.

However, the most serious crisis that has gripped the European Union is the crisis of values, the departure from the original source, from the Christian tradition.

The founders of the European Union, who came from Christian Democratic parties, both Catholic and Protestant – including Alcide de Gasperi, Konrad Adenauer, Robert Schuman, Winston Churchill (and 15 others) – expressed the idea of ​​the Union in this way when they created it in 1993:

On the basis of our Christian faith, we work towards a humane, socially conscious Europe, in which human rights and the basic values of peace, justice, freedom, tolerance, participation and solidarity prevail. We likewise insist on the reverence for life, the value of marriage and the family, the preferential option for the poor, and in all things compassion.

The EU symbols already have references to the Bible. The number of stars on the blue background of the European flag does not refer – as is commonly believed – to the number of the first members of the Union (because there were more of them). The stars symbolize harmony, solidarity and striving for unity. The designer of the flag – the French illustrator Arsene Heitz – confessed that he was inspired by one of the biblical images of the Mother of God, who appears in a halo composed of twelve stars. The flag of the Union came from the Apocalypse of St. John!

A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. (Revelation 12:1)

Of these fundamental values ​​that accompanied the process of creating the European Union, little is left. Above the building of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the name of Altiero Spinelli – an Italian communist, co-author of the “Ventotene Manifesto” from 1941 – is visible, rather than of the main ideologist of a united Europe, the Catholic politician, Robert Schumann, born in Luxembourg, currently a candidate for beatification. The ideological direction of the Union is set by the so-called “Spinelli Group” created in 2010 on the initiative of the Belgian politician Guy Verhofstadt (inPoland, it includes Roza Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein and Danuta Hübner).

This group cries out: "More Europe, not less" and "Nationalism is an ideology of the past. Our goal is a federal and post-national Europe". It calls for the abolition of nation states, the abandonment of private property and the abandonment of God! So — the tone is set not by the Catholic Schumann, but by the communist Spinelli!

A serious state of crisis can also be seen in the matter of the stagnation of scientific research. European Union universities spend half as much on research as, for example, American universities. In the Times Higher Education ranking, only the Munich University of Technology is in the top thirty universities in the world from the EU. The EU is also missing from the top companies investing in scientific research and development of European companies, with Amazon, Alphabet (Google) and Meta (Facebook) leading the way in this respect. According to the International Monetary Fund, American technology companies spend more than twice as much on scientific research as European companies.

The situation of the economies of EU countries is no better, increasingly indebted, one might say – on an unprecedented scale. For example, France in 2025 will have a budget deficit twice as large as the eurozone allows. In turn, the death throes of the German economy are causing the phenomenon of 3,500 companies moving from Germany to the United States from 2024 – due to energy costs.

EU map (Source: Wikipedia)

According to the portal, the debt situation of EU countries is as follows: at the end of Q4 2023, the ratio of the gross debt of the general government sector to GDP in the eurozone was 88.6%, and in the entire European Union 81.7%. Among the EU member states, the most indebted country – as of 2023 – was Greece, where the gross debt of the general government sector was 161.9% of GDP. The second most indebted country was Italy (137.3% of GDP), followed by France (110.6%), Spain (107.7%) and Belgium (105.2%). Among the 27 EU countries, Poland, with a debt of 49.6% of GDP, was in the middle of the ranking (16th place).

It is also said that the state of industry in the European Union is deplorable. This is clearly visible when comparing this area of ​​life with its counterpart in the USA and China. The drama is played out in Europe, for example, in terms of steel production. In 2023, China produced more than half of the world's steel, making it the most important player in this market, in which it is ahead of the USA.

Terrible things are happening in demographics all over the world, but the worst is in the European Union, which will have major economic consequences in the future, as there will be a shortage of skilled workers. Even with the best intentions, the incoming refugees are not able to meet the needs of employers.

The EU countries’ adherence to the LGTB ideology – allowing same-sex marriages – will depopulate EU countries. Such a union – two lesbians or two gays – is treated in the European Union as a family. The word “familia” is used here – but demographic growth can only be guaranteed by the correct understanding of the word “family” – in Slavic languages, hailing from: to give birth!

Here's an interesting fact: 14 EU countries recognize same-sex unions. These are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Iceland, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and additionally — the United Kingdom, which is no longer a member of the EU. The countries that (still!) recognize the union of a man and a woman as marriage include: Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, and outside the EU: Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, and Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron had this to say about this “slow dying” or the death throes of the European Union:

I really think we are at risk. (...) In the next two to three years, if we continue with our classic agenda, we will be out of business. I have no doubt about that.

Greek Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said:

If we do not take immediate action, the collapse of the Union will eventually become irreversible.

The German media have – recently come up with – a ready-made narrative explaining the reasons for this “dying” of the EU – it is, of course… Donald Trump and his current call: “buy a lot more of our oil and gas – or we will impose tariffs on you.”

If you follow the events in the European Union closely, you come to the conclusion that there are no attempts to take "immediate action" to save the organization from its death throes; on the contrary: abuses, financial frauds, bribery, scandals swept under the carpet and unexplained are multiplying incredibly — and they will also affect what the Greek Finance Minister has announced that "the collapse of the Union will finally become irreversible."

In summarizing the presented picture of the European Union, I will list once again the reasons why, in my opinion, this "brave new world" is on the brink of collapse. Here they are:

  • In the current European Union there is no place for religion, individualism, national identity, family or cultural exceptionalism.
  • The image of a universal and "correct" ideology is one, inconsistent with divine laws and rejecting the will of the individual.
  • The raising of children by state institutions is perverted, it imposes methods and direction, which eliminates family ties.
  • The goals of education in schools and universities are subordinated to an ideology that serves only to maintain power.
  • Individualism and critical thinking are being eradicated.
  • Sexual freedom is placed at the highest podium of moral values.
  • Monogamy is rejected.
  • Science, art and culture are subject to strict control.

I hope that all these arguments have convinced the reader of the “prophetic” accuracy of the title of this text. is one of the websites of "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna". It specializes in finance, economics and economy, including the European one. It is among the leading websites of economic journals.


The German television program – ZDF Heute – analyzed and assessed Donald Trump's speech immediately after the broadcast – on March 5, 2025. One of the President's first words was quoted: "America's momentum is back, our spirit is back, our pride is back, our confidence is back."

EU Rule of Law…
Maria Legieć

As you can see in Brussels they steal, but legally and for the good of democracy! Such are the standards that apply in "our" Union!


On June 9, citizens of the European Union voted in election to the European Parliament. For the first time, the euro progressive coalition, which dominated this Parliament for about 30 years, was being challenged by what some call “populist” parties.


The balance of power in the world is changing. The price of a barrel of oil exceeds USD 120. Inflation in many countries has gone beyond the magical 10%, the high prices are starting to bother many households. Central and Eastern Europe is also changing before our eyes. There is a devastating war going on in Eastern Europe.