This text was originally published in "Tygodnik Solidarność".
A capture from the movie Pan Tadeusz - Zajazd (Source: YouTube)
This terrible 2020, which has brought drastic changes and a restrictions on our freedom, is ending. The pandemic has shattered many ambitious plans. There was to be a retreat from globalization and a decisive expansion of the middle class in the Western world. However, it happened quite differently, and this fact forces us, all independent thinkers, to reflect. The pandemic has shown us that most politicians have failed the test of serving their nations. Or maybe it's not all about serving the nations, after all? The most glaring examples of the overturning of Western democracy can be seen in the case of the elections in the United States, where large, global corporations, against the American constitution, have censored and introduced a dictatorship of their media, supporting their interests against ideas of de-globalization. Everything seems to show that President Trump has been defeated by the globalists and by the entire system of global lobbying aimed at pushing through liberal-leftist ideology and removing from power the traditional model of capitalism on which America was built. It was small and medium-sized businesses that have built America over the decades. It was the middle class getting richer that was America's bread and salt. For at least three decades, we have witnessed the collapse of the American middle class and the withdrawal of politicians from the American working class. Joe Biden himself explains this process very well in one of his interviews in the New York Times, saying that Democratic election campaigns already have other groups that they are interested in. These are no longer European ethnic groups, but young people educated in liberal universities and immigrants, mainly from South America and Mexico. They live in large cities and the attention of the rulers is focused on them. And in China, discussions were held behind closed doors on the new five-year economic development plan for 2021-2025 and on how to achieve the long-term goals set by China's leader, CCP Secretary General Xi Jinping. The plan to build a "great, modern socialist state" by 2035 was put forward. One of the assumptions of the five-year plan is to achieve greater self-sufficiency and a "double circulation" strategy, which means to be open to foreign investment while building an economic system that is less dependent on the outside world. And everything is to be based on the middle class, but Chinese one. China and 14 other countries, but without the United States, agreed to create the largest free trade bloc in the world, covering almost a third of all global economic activity and population. German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer presented the concept of a new order in transatlantic relations between the USA and Germany. This deal clearly subordinates Germany to America, in return for giving Germany a free hand in European affairs and maintaining the political and strategic order in this part of the world. In addition, she proposes to create the largest free trade area between Europe and the United States. And what do we Poles say to all of this? In the authority circles, as usual, we have people from the First Brigade, a portrait of the Marshal in each office. On TV: Zenek Martyniuk and falling Ms. Lempart. Until Christmas, and then, as Mickiewicz said: *We will not run short of sabers, the nobility will mount the horse, me and the son-in-law and? - somehow it will all work out!"