
There were at that time in our country, in Poland, people who had extraordinary courage; who deeply in their hearts had the ideals of humanity, respect for life, for other people, love of neighbor - yes, the Christian one - of the great ethos of the Commonwealth of many nations, which together for years after regaining independence in 1918 they co-created as a free, independent, sovereign Poland, imbued with these ideals so deeply that they were not afraid.

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Prof. Shevah Weiss
Ania Navas, 2/15/2023

It was with great sadness that I received the news that H.E. Shevah Weiss had passed away. A wonderful man, a Jew, an Israeli patriot who loved and respected Poland. Knight of the Order of the White Eagle. A great loss for us and for Polish-Israeli relations. RIP.

The History of the Ulma Family
Katarzyna Murawska, 1/14/2023

On December 17, in the Vatican, Pope Francis approved a decree on the martyrdom of the family of Józef and Wiktoria Ulma, together with their seven children — a heroic family saving Jews during the Second World War.


There is no particular psychological portrait of a Pole helping Jews survive the Holocaust. Everyone helped. Humanity compelled them to do so. An example of such an attitude is the fact that Jan and Antonina Żabiński, who hid Jews in the zoo in Warsaw, were helping on one extreme, and Leopold Socha, a thief from Lviv, who was hiding a Jewish family in the sewers, on the other.