Three Seas Initiative/Intermarium

It's the security, stupid!
Waldemar Biniecki, 12/15/2023

President Duda should dust off the "round table" and once again reach a cross-party compromise on state security.

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Intimidation by Medvedev
Waldemar Biniecki, 11/27/2023

"The polarization of society is its greatest threat to state security policy," according to research by the independent think tank Pew Research Center.

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The Historical Chance of the Intermarium
Waldemar Biniecki, 6/16/2022

Before the countries of Central and Eastern Europe — and maybe even more broadly, including the Scandinavian countries, and some countries of southern Europe, all the way to Turkey — in connection with the ongoing war in Ukraine, there is a window of opportunity to create a geopolitical project, the idea of ​​which has been alive since the times of Marshal Piłsudski.


Everything indicates that the Biden administration has a long way to go to persuade Western Europe to follow Atlantic values ​​and play together as a team to weaken China's position. Chancellor Merkel's visit to Washington did not bring any breakthroughs and, what is worse, revealed other strategic differences between Germany and the USA, especially in terms of understanding the problem of the Nord Stream gas pipeline.


We, the Presidents of the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Estonia, Ukraine, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania, meet today in Warsaw to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the adoption of the May 3rd Constitution. The adoption in 1791 of this important act regulating the legal system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was of historical importance, as it was the first modern basic law adopted on our continent and the second in the world.

Why Does America Need the Three Seas Initiative?
Andrzej (Andrew) Woźniewicz, 4/14/2021

Although most people still haven’t heard of it, the Three Seas Initiative is the most significant political and economic policy initiative to emerge in Central and Eastern Europe since the enlargement of the EU and NATO. It's an international economic and political initiative that currently brings together twelve countries of the European Union located between the Baltic, Black, and Adriatic seas.