In Philadelphia, where the Founding Fathers had signed the Declaration of Independence 247 years earlier, risking their lives, the son of the Democratic presidential candidate murdered in Los Angeles in 1968, and the nephew of President JFK, murdered in Dallas in 1963, declared himself an independent candidate for US president. 69-year-old Robert F. Kennedy Jr., from the legendary democratic dynasty, due to the harassment of the Democratic Party elites, said in his inaugural speech, among others:
Today, I declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government to exploit us for their profit. I declare independence from Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, from defense contractors and their lobbyists who now outnumber members of Congress 20 to 1. I declare independence from cynical elites who betray our hope and amplify our divisions.
The above changes in the presidential race take place when, according to Gallup reports, as many as 67% of Americans express dissatisfaction with the situation, while 33% accept the current state of affairs. Let us recall that in 2001, 68% of respondents assessed the situation positively, and only 30% complained. Today, 80% of Americans condemn the moral and ethical climate in the country, and 71% blame large corporations for this state of affairs.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2023 (Source: Wikipedia)
So, the current main rivals for the presidency representing the Democratic Party (80-year-old J. Biden) and the Republican Party (77-year-old DJ Trump) were officially joined by a 69-year-old independent candidate, a liberal Democrat representing the style and values of this party from the 1960s. So we have two anti-system candidates (Trump and RFK Jr). The appearance of RFK Jr on the stage raises many questions, and the most important will be which candidate he can take more votes from and whether he will be a meteorite that will flash and quickly disappear from view.
As many as 75% of RFK supporters are whites with secondary education. It is known that Trump can count on at least 56% of his enthusiastic supporters, and another 36% of his voters will vote against Biden. In the case of Biden, only 38% of supporters will vote for him, while 58% will vote because they are against Trump, so there is no enthusiasm here. There is another independent candidate associated with the Green Party — the radical black professor Cornel West. He may take some votes away from Biden and RFK, but mostly from black people.
RFK reminds Democrats that their party has not always been the party of war and pandering to Big Pharma and the interests of large corporations. In turn, conservatives support his opposition against Covid mandates and forced vaccinations, as well as his opposition against illegal immigration. However, they are against his enthusiasm for free kindergartens, green energy, his support for powerful trade unions, abortion rights and limiting military spending. RFK is a symbol of the anti-vaccination movement, which is why it may be liked by some conservatives, and at the same time wildly rejected by the left. His presidential campaign manager is former Democrat congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.
The victory in the US presidential election is not determined by the number of votes received, it is decided by the electoral college from the individual states in which one has to win to get their votes. RFK believes that the anti-COVID vaccines were genetically engineered so as not to harm two ethnic groups: Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. The question is: can Trump attack RFK as a crazy anti-vaxxer and a believer in various conspiracy theories? This would be risky, as some Trump voters hold similar views. Additionally, RFK would accuse Trump of tolerating Dr. Fauci and his discredited and damaging health and economy recommendations during the pandemic.
RFK decided to run independently in protest against the Democratic establishment and their refusal to organize a debate between him and Biden. The last independent candidate to participate in the presidential debates was Ross Perot in 1992, and that was the last time an independent candidate reached double digits. Usually, if one of the candidates receives support of around 15%, he is given the right to debate and is assigned security, but the Democratic National Committee did not agree to the debate or even the assignment of security, which RFK had to take care of himself.
We all know the Kennedy family history with the murder of President JFK and the murder of presidential candidate Senator RFK Sr., the father of today's candidate. Not giving RFK protection is unthinkable. A few weeks ago, an armed guy dressed as a policeman managed to enter the RFK rally in... Los Angeles (!), where in similar circumstances after the rally, Senator RFK's father was murdered 55 years ago, who was a candidate against the incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson. Let us recall that the official killer was 24-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan, who hated senator RFK Sr. for supporting Israel in the Six-Day War. RFK Jr does not believe that the Palestinian murdered his father, or if so, that he did not act alone, which is why he called for a renewed investigation, in which only one person among his eight living brothers and sisters supports him.
RFK is a democrat who holds dear leftist views such as fighting to raise the minimum wage, protecting the environment and canceling student loans. He voted for Obama and Hillary Clinton, wants a ban on shale oil and gas extraction. At the same time he is skeptical about the fight against climate change, is against universal health care and recently open borders. He openly warns that Wi-Fi causes cancer and damages the brain, and believes that mass school shootings are the result of widespread antidepressant use. He is a strong critic of former NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom he accused of cultivating fascism during the pandemic comparable in methods to the Nazi Holocaust. The left ignored him completely, but Republicans invited him to congressional hearings and he appeared on FOX News and other conservative media. His fans included people like former Trump adviser Steve Bannon (War Room) and Alex Jones (Infowars), and libertarians like David Sacks (investor) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter founder).
RFK symbolizes people convinced of the existence of a conspiracy among the highest elites in the country and the world. Biden did not disclose several thousand classified documents regarding the murder of President JFK. Over the last 20 years, American elites have embroiled the taxpayer in endless wars to the tune of $8 trillion, which has contributed to an increase in federal debt to over 120% of GDP, which is its doubling since 2000.
According to Reuters/Ipsos pollsters [1], RFK would take 9% of the votes from Democrats, 13% from Republicans and 24% from independents. Additionally, as many as 59% of Republicans have a positive opinion of him, compared to 40% of Democrats. At the end of the month, he is scheduled to appear in Las Vegas at the invitation of the Conservative Political Action Conference alongside candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake. Another pollster, Echelon Insights, indicated a week ago [2] that RFK would take 16% of the votes of Democrats who voted for Biden in 2020 and 10% of those who voted for Trump, so statistically it would be equal. In a theoretical Biden-Trump-RFK race, the latter would receive 14%, Biden 31% and Trump 33%.
Money is very important in politics, let's look who finances RFK. RFK's campaign funds come from the American Values 2024 super PAC, which recently received $5 million from Timothy Mellon, a wealthy businessman from Wyoming and a grandson of the former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon [3]. Let us recall that 81-year-old Mellon gave Trump's America First Action PAC $10 million twice (!) four years ago. Another generous donor is billionaire Gavin de Becker, associated with Jeff Bezos (Amazon). In June, this PAC had $9.8 million in the bank, now about $17 million.
To win the presidency again (number of electors), Trump needs Biden's result to be no greater than 48%. The independent candidate is actually a disaffected Democrat, so historically speaking, he will hurt the incumbent president. This was the case in 1912, when Teddy Roosevelt (27%) derailed Republican President William H. Taft, giving victory to the socialist Woodrow Wilson. In 1992, Ross Perot (19%) derailed Bush's GHW campaign and caused the Clinton clan to win, from which America has not recovered until today.
Biden, as you can see, is in very poor health and mental condition, he stumbles, falls, is disoriented, and his incompetence and corruption are slowly coming to light. To stop this misfortune, Obama's people who were in charge of him should have sent him to a retirement home long ago. In his speeches, when he stops reading the teleprompter, he tells tall stories (lies) about how he was arrested with Mandela, was an assistant to Golda Meir during the Six-Day War, grew up in a black church or - at other times - in a synagogue, was a top student at university, graduated with honors. When people correct him that it is not true, he is not impressed.
His support ratings are the lowest in a generation, he allowed further wars, opened borders and accepted approximately 8 million undocumented people who are already causing serious trouble. He canceled Trump's projects ensuring US energy self-sufficiency. He stopped the peaceful “Abraham Accords” created by Trump in the Middle East and strengthened Iran. We have a new war in the Middle East. Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates wrote in his book that Joe Biden has never been right in foreign policy over the last 40 years.
The Democratic Party has a serious problem when it comes to the situation in the Middle East; its bottom supporters support the Palestinians, but its wealthy donors support Israel. RFK's chances among conservatives should decrease when people learn about his leftist views, including his negative attitude towards gun rights. In fact, he can only count on NeverTrumpers and Democrats who associate him with a famous pedigree. He also has problems with his voice and speaking, this condition is called spasmodic dysphonia. He also does not find support in his large family, which is closely linked to the elites of the Democratic Party. His numerous siblings even published a statement rejecting his candidacy and his vision of reality, suggesting that his candidacy is harmful to the country. His children support him. Privately, RFK lives with his third wife, an actress, his second wife committed suicide, and he had serious problems in his life, including a severe cocaine addiction. He is known as a lawyer fighting against large corporations that mainly harm people and nature.
Maybe it's time for a third option? Gallup poll shows [5] that as many as 63% of Americans would like a third party, and this opinion is shared by 75% of independents and 58% of Republicans. The fact is that RFK has a high approval rating of 51%, compared to 45% for Biden and 40% for Trump (Reuters/Ipsos polling [6]). The poll also asked about the acceptable age of a presidential candidate, and as many as 86% of Americans believed that the age limit should be 75.
Let's talk about money again. The Trump campaign said it raised $45.5 million in the three months to the end of September, and the Biden campaign raised $71 million. Overall, the Biden campaign has $91 million in its account. Trump, harassed by the Biden administration, has to spend a lot on lawyers...
Well, elections are a crazy time, as Poles know well these days...