The Kuryer Polski portal is a medium created for the Polish diaspora (Polonia) so that everyone can present their views and beliefs. We are an independent, nonpartisan project, open to different views, and grounded by the values of our ancestors.
Our goal is to connect and provide reliable information.
If you have an idea for an article, send it to us to publish it on our portal
We are a bilingual portal and we publish our articles simultaneously in Polish, and in English. Articles can be written and sent to us either in Polish, or in English, or in both these languages, however, we do reserve the right to correct any translations.
The texts of the articles should be prepared in electronic form and sent by e-mail to the editorial office:
What to Write About?
You can literally write about anything, especially if it is in some way related to the Polish Diaspora, Poland, Poles, the international situation, current events, the role of Poland and Poles in the world, achievements of Poles, history of Poland and the Polish diaspora abroad, etc.
In general, we write about everything that could interest the broadly understood Polish diaspora around the world, as well as the Poles living in Poland, the friends of Poland and Poles around the world, and everyone else interested in reliable information about Poles and Poland, wherever they may be.
We only accept original articles that have not been previously published or submitted for publication in another journal.
When to Write
We generally do not impose any specific deadlines for articles. Neither is there a set schedule for writing the articles.
We make publishing decisions as needed, as the materials become available, and we publish them on an ongoing basis. Clearly, anniversaries of historical events become natural triggers to motivate publishing at a particular time, but you can rest assured that there will always be appropriate time to publish a good article, regardless of the time of the year.
How Much to Write?
The length of one article should not exceed 1,500-2,000 words, unless they are deep historical or analytical texts.
The editors reserve the right to divide longer articles into parts and publish them separately.
The Form of Articles
Articles are best sent to us in the following form:
- Format: MS Word document (.docx)
- Appearance: Times New Roman 12 pt font.
- Text Formatting: Minimum (the less the better)
- Language: Polish or English
Please do not use any formatting tools in your text editor other than:
- bold,
- italic
- ordinal list (numbered list),
- bulleted list
Do not use any other formatting, such as, for example, font colors, background colors, different font sizes, different font families, etc.
Please DO NOT start paragraphs with spaces. Please do not try to center text — for example, the titles — by inserting a series of multiple spaces in a row.
Please DO NOT put double, triple or multiple spaces after the full stop at the end of the sentence.
Footnotes and Bibliography
All articles that provide statistical data, those containing specific statements of facts, those referring to external sources, be they historical or scientific, must be annotated and bibliography of the sources used by the author must be provided.
Bibliographic information must always contain the following elements:
- Full title of the publication (in the language in which it was published and used)
- Full names of the author, or authors
- Name of the publisher or the name of the periodical in which the source material appeared
- Place (city, country) where the source material was published, if possible
- Date of publication (at least the year)
- Link to the publication on the Internet (unless - in exceptional cases - the publication does not exist on the Internet)
Here are examples of properly constructed bibliographic footnotes:
"Polnisch-türkischer Drohnen-Deal als Signal an Biden und Putin", Philip Fritz, Die Welt (, 30.05.2021,
"Lotnictwo polskie w wojnie z Rosją Sowiecką 1919-1920", Krzysztof A. Tarkowski, Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, Warszawa, 1991
Photos and Illustrations
Photos and illustrations should NOT be pasted into the text of the article, but should be attached as separate file attachments, in .jpg or .png format. In the text of the article, it is possible to mark - with a text annotation - where which illustration should be placed.
However, we reserve the right to move and re-arrange photos and illustrations inside the article at the editors' discretion.
Due to the typical volume of an article described above, you should rather not include more than 3-4 graphic elements, such as photos, illustrations, drawings, etc.
All photos and graphic materials must bear the names of the authors and the source from which the illustrations are borrowed. We can only publish photos and illustrations that are in the public domain, or are distributed under one of the public licenses.
When a photo or illustration is not in the public domain, the author of the article must either be the copyright owner or have a documented written right to use the photo or illustration.
First-Time Publishing in Kuryer
If an author publishes his or her text in Kuryer Polski for the first time, they must attach a photo (identity card or passport, type i.e. a headshot with a face fully visible) in a reasonably large resolution, and a short biographical note about themselves. This note may then be amended by the editors of Kuryer Polski .
This photo and note will be posted in the "About Us" tab.
Here is a list of more detailed recommendations on what to do and what NOT to do when writing for us:
This Is How You Should Write:
- PREFER plain text over formatted (colors and fonts) content.
- USE normal font size, as in the sentence, not all capital letters, for everything, including titles and subtitles.
- USE headings to organize and break down your article.
- PROVIDE sources and applicable licenses for illustrations and photos.
- DESCRIBE the people and/or objects in the pictures/photos.
- PROVIDE sources and bibliography for the article.
- USE short paragraphs (no more than 100 words, 650-700 characters including spaces).
Avoid Doing This When Writing:
- DO NOT end titles or subtitles with periods.
- DO NOT indent the first line of the paragraph with spaces (or tabs). NEVER start a paragraph with a space or a tab!
- Do NOT use advanced formatting other than bold and italicized text.
- NEVER use underline (it visually clashes with web links and gives the impression that underlined text is clickable).
- DO NOT assume everyone knows what the attached photos contain - provide a description and license terms for each one.
- DO NOT make long paragraphs of text. Break them into smaller pieces.
Will I get paid for my article?
It depends. Many authors already consider the very fact of publishing their article in Kurier Polski as a great achievement and honor. We receive many proposals for articles for publication and we select only the best ones. Many authors do not expect a fee. This, of course, does not exclude the possibility of receiving compensation for some special article, depending on our financial capabilities. It is best to explicitly specify whether you expect a fee when sending us an article for publication.
By submitting an article for publication to us, you grant us the following license:
I declare that I am the author or rightful owner of this work. All resulting intellectual property rights belong to me and do not infringe any rights of third parties. I give my irrevocable consent to the publication of the work in electronic form — on the website and in various types of derivative publications in any form at the discretion of Kurier Media LLC.
The final decision whether to publish is always made by the editors of Kuryer Polski and the Editor-in-Chief.