
Toothless Polonia
Waldemar Biniecki, 9/11/2024

I just finished watching the US presidential debate. Unfortunately, I didn't learn anything new. Apart from the familiar slogans from previous speeches by both candidates, the debate lacked any specific programmatic elements.

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A Small Country with a Large Diaspora
Waldemar Biniecki, 8/25/2024

How is it possible that a country that in the 1980s had a public debt of 150 percent of GDP and unemployment of 17 percent, became the economic tiger of Europe? It owes this to effective and efficient work with its diaspora.

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After the NATO Summit
Progress and Challenges
Andrzej (Andrew) Woźniewicz, 7/12/2024

The NATO summit, held in Washington from July 9-11, occurred amid the alliance’s 75th anniversary and significant geopolitical tensions. The outcomes were mixed, particularly regarding critical issues like Ukraine’s potential membership.

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On June 9, citizens of the European Union voted in election to the European Parliament. For the first time, the euro progressive coalition, which dominated this Parliament for about 30 years, was being challenged by what some call “populist” parties.

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Understanding this historic and unwavering Russian expansionist commitment should help us formulate a winning strategy for stopping them in Ukraine today, the strategy that is missing in our debates. Believing that we can appease Russians with anything is a mistake. They consider any appeasement a sign of weakness, and it motivates them to continue their conquest.

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On 12 March 1999, Poland, alongside the Czech Republic and Hungary, officially became a member of NATO.

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Waldemar Biniecki, 4/13/2024

Let's look a little deeper into what the Heritage Foundation does now? The answer to this question is simple and can be found in a laconic slogan: "Project 2025".

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Professor Emeritus Donald Pienkos, was active in helping to bring about Poland's entry into NATO in 1999. He was invited by Consul General Pawel Zyzak of the Republic of Poland in Chicago to speak at the 25th Anniversary Ceremony marking the admission of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic into the Alliance.

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This is the second part of an article on the joint report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, and the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, prepared late last year.

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The conflict in Ukraine is slowly burning itself out. There is no ammunition and no way to relieve the Ukrainians. Hence the idea of ​​introducing new soldiers into the conflict. The price of this, as General Skrzypczak says, is very high.

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Many people in America wonder why the US should support Ukraine. The Congress' report is, among other things, an attempt to answer this question. He examines a number of reasons why a Ukraine victory in an unprovoked Russian-led war is in the U.S. national interest.

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Geopolitical Mistakes
Waldemar Biniecki

The US administration announced the lifting of sanctions on Nord Stream 2, which is a breach of the double sanctions voted on by the American Congress with the support of Republicans and some Democrats. Nord Stream 2, like Nord Steam 1, is a geopolitical project that significantly affects international and European security, further dividing Europe into two parts.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO ) is a military treaty established on August 24, 1949. The purpose of NATO at the time of its creation was military defense against attack by the USSR and its satellite states.